;"MidgardCORE DNS Utilities version 3.1" ;"Copyright 1997, 1998 Midgard Systems and Adam 'Martian' Smyth" ;"This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or" ;"modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License" ;"as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2" ;"of the License, or (at your option) any later version." ;"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," ;"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" ;"MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the" ;"GNU General Public License for more details." ;"The License is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" ;"The author can be contacted at martian@midgard.org" ;"It is *strongly requested* that users of this code register with the author." ;"The latest release of this code can be found at" ;" http://www.midgard.org:8080/~martian/Code/MOO/dns_utils.moo" ;" This module is designed to be pasted as-is into a connection to a MOO server." ;" To install this module, you must be a wizard."; ;" Install in this order: $network_utils, $dns_utils" ;"Dependancy checks" ;"Wizperms are required for installation" ;if(!`player.wizard ! ANY');while(read()!=";\"End of Module\"");endwhile;endif ;"$network_utils must be installed first." ;if(!`valid($network_utils) ! ANY');while(read()!=";\"End of Module\"");endwhile;endif ;"Begining installation..." ;"Simple sanity check. Don't make more than one, if it already exists."; ;if(`valid($dns_utils) ! ANY');while(read()!=";\"-----\"");endwhile;endif @create $generic_utils called DNS Utilities,dns_utils @corify dns_utils as $dns_utils ;"-----" ;$dns_utils.description=$command_utils:read() A client for doing DNS lookups in-DB. @prop $dns_utils."Types" {"A", "NS", "MD", "MF", "CNAME", "SOA", "MB", "MG", "MR", "NULL", "WKS", "PTR", "HINFO", "MINFO", "MX", "TXT"} r @prop $dns_utils."Classes" {"IN", "CS", "CH", "HS"} r @prop $dns_utils."DNSServers" {""} "" @prop $dns_utils."Version" 3.1 rc @prop $dns_utils."Timeout" 90 rc @prop $dns_utils."debug" 0 "" @prop $dns_utils."Cache" {} "" ;;$dns_utils.("help_msg")=$command_utils:read_lines() This is the Domain Name System client developed by Martian at MidgardMOO It was developed for use by the MidgardSMTP daemon, but can be used any time DNS queries are needed. The latest release of this code can be found at http://www.midgard.org:8080/~martian/Code/MOO/dns_utils.moo Note: You'll probably want to add DNS servers to .DNSServers. They're tried in the order they appear. :RawBinaryToDecimal({INT, ...}) Input is a list of integers representing a binary string. Output is a single integer, the value of the combined numbers. e.g. $dns_utils:RawBinaryToDecimal({5,16}) => 1296 :RawBinaryToBinaryString({INT, ...}) Input is a list of integers representing a binary string. Output is a string consisting of 1s and 0s, represtenting the binary coding of the input. e.g. $dns_utils:RawBinarytoBinaryString({3,1,52}) => "000000110000000100110100" :Lookup(STR Item, STR|INT Type, [Ignore Cache]) => {DNS data} Item is what you want to look up in the DNS Type is a string or integer indicating the type of data to search. If Ignore Cache is given and true, perform a new lookup, even if this search is in the cache. The returned data is the result of parsing the Answer field of the DNS response. . @verb $dns_utils:"RawBinaryToDecimal" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:RawBinaryToDecimal Val = 0; Mult = 1; for u in ($list_utils:reverse(args[1])) if (typeof(u) == STR) for C in ($list_utils:reverse($string_utils:char_list(u))) V = $string_utils:to_ascii(C) * Mult; Val = Val + V; Mult = Mult * 256; endfor else V = u * Mult; Val = Val + V; Mult = Mult * 256; endif endfor return Val; . @verb $dns_utils:"RawBinaryToBinaryString" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:RawBinaryToBinaryString Val = ""; for u in (args[1]) if (typeof(u) == STR) for C in ($list_utils:reverse($string_utils:char_list(u))) V = $math_utils:base_conversion($string_utils:to_ascii(C), 10, 2); Val = Val + $string_utils:right(V, 8, "0"); endfor else V = $math_utils:base_conversion(u, 10, 2); Val = Val + $string_utils:right(V, 8, "0"); endif endfor return Val; . @verb $dns_utils:"ReadResponse" this none this rx @program $dns_utils:ReadResponse if (caller != this) return E_PERM; endif fork killtask (this.Timeout) this:debug("Timeout. Booting connection."); boot_player(args[1]); endfork Response = ""; line = read(args[1]); if (typeof(line) == ERR) return E_NONE; endif line = line + ((l = read(args[1], 1)) != 0 ? l | ""); Len = decode_binary(line + "~00~00", 1)[1..2]; line = line + ((l = read(args[1], 1)) != 0 ? l | ""); Response = line; Response = Response[1] == "~" ? Response[4..$] | Response[2..$]; Response = Response[1] == "~" ? Response[4..$] | Response[2..$]; Response = Response + ((l = read(args[1], 1)) != 0 ? l | ""); Len = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Len); Response = Response + ((l = read(args[1], 1)) != 0 ? l | ""); this:debug("Expecting ", Len, " bytes of input."); this:debug("Received ", $network_utils:BinaryStringLength(Response), " bytes of input."); Response = Response + ((l = read(args[1], 1)) != 0 ? l | ""); while ($network_utils:BinaryStringLength(Response) < Len) line = read(args[1]); if (typeof(line) == ERR) return E_NONE; endif Response = Response + line; this:debug("Received ", $network_utils:BinaryStringLength(Response), " bytes of input."); endwhile this:debug("Input read. Killing timeout task and returning."); kill_task(killtask); return Response; . @verb $dns_utils:"extract_name" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:extract_name if (caller != this) return E_PERM; endif Pos = args[2]; name = ""; while (!(args[1][Pos] == 0 || args[1][Pos] > 63)) for c in [Pos + 1..Pos + args[1][Pos]] name = name + $String_utils:from_ascii(args[1][c]); endfor Pos = Pos + args[1][Pos] + 1; name = name + "."; endwhile if (args[1][Pos]) suspend(0); NewPos = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal({args[1][Pos] - 192, args[1][Pos + 1]}) + 1; name = name + this:extract_name(args[1], NewPos)[1]; Pos = Pos + 2; else Pos = Pos + 1; endif if (name && name[$] == ".") name = name[1..$ - 1]; endif return {name, Pos}; . @verb $dns_utils:"ProcessRData" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:ProcessRData if (caller != this) return E_PERM; endif Type = args[1]; RData = args[2]; PureData = args[3]; Pos = args[4]; if (Type in {1}) return $string_utils:from_list(RData, "."); elseif (Type in {2, 5, 12}) Site = this:Extract_Name(PureData, Pos)[1]; return Site; elseif (Type == 6) {MName, Pos} = this:Extract_Name(PureData, Pos); {RName, Pos} = this:Extract_Name(PureData, Pos); Serial = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(PureData[Pos..Pos + 3]); Pos = Pos + 4; Refresh = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(PureData[Pos..Pos + 3]); Pos = Pos + 4; Retry = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(PureData[Pos..Pos + 3]); Pos = Pos + 4; Expire = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(PureData[Pos..Pos + 3]); Pos = Pos + 4; Minimum = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(PureData[Pos..Pos + 3]); Pos = Pos + 4; return {MName, RName, Serial, Refresh, Retry, Expire, Minimum}; elseif (Type == 15) Pref = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(RData[1..2]); Exch = this:Extract_Name(PureData, Pos + 2)[1]; return {Pref, Exch}; elseif (Type == 16) Txt = ""; for C in (listdelete(RData, 1)) Txt = Txt + $string_utils:from_ascii(C); endfor return Txt; else return RData; endif . @verb $dns_utils:"ProcessReply" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:ProcessReply if (caller != this) return E_PERM; endif if (!args[1]) return {{}, {}, {}, {}}; endif Data = decode_binary(args[1], 1); MID = Data[1..2]; MiscHeader = Data[3..4]; QDCount = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[5..6]); ANCount = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[7..8]); NSCount = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[9..10]); ARCount = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[11..12]); Pos = 13; Query = {}; for R in [1..QDCount] {QueryName, Pos} = this:extract_name(Data, Pos); QueryType = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos..Pos + 1]); QueryClass = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 2..Pos + 3]); Pos = Pos + 4; Query = {@Query, {QueryName, QueryType, QueryClass}}; endfor Answer = {}; for R in [1..ANCount] {AnswerName, Pos} = this:extract_name(Data, Pos); AnswerType = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos..Pos + 1]); AnswerClass = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 2..Pos + 3]); AnswerTTL = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 4..Pos + 7]); RDLen = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 8..Pos + 9]); Pos = Pos + 10; AnswerRData = this:ProcessRData(AnswerType, Data[Pos..Pos + RDLen - 1], Data, Pos); Pos = Pos + RDLen; Answer = {@Answer, {AnswerName, AnswerType, AnswerClass, AnswerTTL, AnswerRData}}; endfor Authority = {}; for R in [1..NSCount] {AuthorityName, Pos} = this:extract_name(Data, Pos); AuthorityType = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos..Pos + 1]); AuthorityClass = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 2..Pos + 3]); AuthorityTTL = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 4..Pos + 7]); RDLen = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 8..Pos + 9]); Pos = Pos + 10; AuthorityRData = this:ProcessRData(AuthorityType, Data[Pos..Pos + RDLen - 1], Data, Pos); Pos = Pos + RDLen; Authority = {@Authority, {AuthorityName, AuthorityType, AuthorityClass, AuthorityTTL, AuthorityRData}}; endfor Additional = {}; for R in [1..ARCount] {AdditionalName, Pos} = this:extract_name(Data, Pos); AdditionalType = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos..Pos + 1]); AdditionalClass = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 2..Pos + 3]); AdditionalTTL = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 4..Pos + 7]); RDLen = $network_utils:BinaryListToDecimal(Data[Pos + 8..Pos + 9]); Pos = Pos + 10; AdditionalRData = this:ProcessRData(AdditionalType, Data[Pos..Pos + RDLen - 1], Data, Pos); Pos = Pos + RDLen; Additional = {@Additional, {AdditionalName, AdditionalType, AdditionalClass, AdditionalTTL, AdditionalRData}}; endfor return {Query, Answer, Authority, Additional}; . @verb $dns_utils:"GetDNSData" this none this rx @program $dns_utils:GetDNSData if (caller != this) return E_PERM; endif Lookup = args[1]; QType = args[2]; if (length(args) > 2) DNSServer = args[3]; else DNSServer = this.DNSServers[1]; endif this:debug("Server: ", DNSServer); MID = time() % 65535; MID = $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion(MID, 10, 2), 16, "0"); Type = "0"; OpCode = "0000"; Auth = "0"; Trunc = "0"; RD = "1"; RA = "0"; Z = "000"; Rcode = "0000"; QCount = 1; QCount = $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion(QCount, 10, 2), 16, "0"); QAns = $string_utils:space(16, "0"); QAuth = $string_utils:space(16, "0"); QAdd = $string_utils:space(16, "0"); Lookup = {@$string_utils:explode(Lookup, "."), ""}; QName = ""; for i in (Lookup) QName = QName + $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion(length(i), 10, 2), 8, "0"); for c in ($string_utils:char_list(i)) QName = QName + $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion($string_utils:to_ascii(c), 10, 2), 8, "0"); $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); endfor endfor QType = $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion(QType, 10, 2), 16, "0"); QClass = 1; QClass = $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion(QClass, 10, 2), 16, "0"); suspend(0); BinString = MID + Type + OpCode + Auth + Trunc + RD + RA + Z + Rcode + QCount + QAns + QAuth + QAdd + QName + QType + QClass; Len = length(BinString) / 8; BinString = $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion(Len, 10, 2), 16, "0") + BinString; suspend(0); Hex = ""; for i in [1..Len + 2] String = BinString[(i - 1) * 8 + 1..i * 8]; Hex = Hex + "~" + $string_utils:right($math_utils:base_conversion(String, 2, 16), 2, "0"); $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); endfor for i in [1..2] this:debug("Opening connection (Attempt ", i, ") ..."); con = open_network_connection(DNSServer, 53); if (typeof(con) != ERR) break; endif this:debug("Error: ", con); suspend(2); endfor if (typeof(con) == ERR) return E_NONE; endif set_connection_option(con, "hold-input", 1); set_connection_option(con, "binary", 1); this:debug("Connection ", con, " open."); this:debug("Sending request..."); notify(con, Hex); this:debug("Reading reply..."); response = this:ReadResponse(con); this:debug("Closing connection."); boot_player(con); return response; . @verb $dns_utils:"Lookup" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:Lookup ":lookup(STR Item, STR|INT Type, [Ignore Cache]) => {DNS data}"; "Item is what you want to look up in the DNS"; "Type is a string or integer indicating the type of data to search."; "if Ignore Cache is given and true, perform a new lookup, even if this search is in the cache."; ""; if (!caller_perms().wizard) return E_PERM; endif {Item, Type, ?IgnoreCache = 0} = args; if (typeof(Type) == STR) Type = Type in this.Types; endif if (Type == 0 || Type > 16) return E_INVARG; endif this:debug("Item: ", Item, " Type: ", Type); if (!IgnoreCache && (i = $list_utils:iassoc({Item, Type}, this.cache))) if (time() < this.Cache[i][2]) this:Debug("Item found in cache."); return this.Cache[i][3]; endif endif for Server in (this.DNSServers) if ((Data = this:GetDNSData(Item, Type, Server)) != E_NONE && Data != {}) break; endif endfor if (Data == E_NONE) return {}; endif Data = this:ProcessReply(Data); suspend(0); Data = Data[2]; expire = Data ? $maxint | 86400; for i in [1..length(Data)] expire = min(expire, Data[i][4]); if (Data[i][2] <= length(this.Types)) Data[i][2] = this.Types[Data[i][2]]; endif if (Data[i][3] <= length(this.Classes)) Data[i][3] = this.Classes[Data[i][3]]; endif endfor if (expire > 0) if (j = $list_utils:iassoc({Item, Type}, this.Cache)) this.cache[j][2] = expire + time(); this.cache[j][3] = Data; else this.cache = {@this.cache, {{Item, Type}, expire + time(), Data}}; endif endif return Data; . @verb $dns_utils:"debug" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:debug if (this.debug && caller == this) notify(this.owner, tostr(this, ":", callers()[1][2], "> ", @args)); endif . @verb $dns_utils:"CycleCache" this none this rxd @program $dns_utils:CycleCache if (!caller_perms().wizard) return E_PERM; endif time = time(); i = 1; while (i <= length(this.cache)) if (this.cache[i][2] < time) this.cache = listdelete(this.cache, i); else i = i + 1; endif $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); endwhile suspend(10); fork (86400 + $time_utils:seconds_until_time("06:00:00")) this:cyclecache(); endfork . ;"Installing Wizardly DNS lookup util." @verb $wiz:@lookup*-n*ocache any any any rx @program $wiz:@lookup "Usage: @lookup => "; " eg: @lookup yahoo.com => {{\"yahoo.com\", \"A\", \"IN\", 86400, {\"\"}}"; "Usage: @lookup => "; " eg: @lookup => {{\"\", \"PTR\", \"IN\", 20985, {\"yahoo.com\"}}"; "Usage: @lookup for => ' record>"; " eg: @lookup mx for yahoo.com => {{\"yahoo.com\", \"MX\", \"IN\", 548, {1, \"mta-x2.yahoomail.com\"}}"; ""; if (player != this) return player:tell("No."); endif if (!prepstr) Site = argstr; Type = "A"; else Site = iobjstr; Type = dobjstr; endif if (match(Site, "^[0-9]+%.[0-9]+%.[0-9]+%.[0-9]+$")) Site = $string_utils:from_list($list_utils:reverse($string_utils:explode(Site, ".")), ".") + ".IN-ADDR.ARPA"; if (!prepstr) Type = "PTR"; endif endif player:tell(Site, " => ", toliteral($dns_utils:lookup(Site, Type, index(verb, "n")))); . ;"End of Module"